testimonial image
06 Dec 2017

16 Peppin St Rouse Hill


This is our first investment property and we had the pleasure of working with Julie on the deal. She held the Vendor's requirements high and transparent, which made the dealing easy as non-negotiables were crystal clear. As a buyer this saves you heaps of time!

On the other side, while she represented the Vendor, she was made sure the deal was well balanced. She was humane enough to understand our side of the story and get the Vendor to agree to our terms that would ensure a win-win situation. She worked as an escalation & negotiation point during the whole process including running some tasks herself to closure, which the Vendor's Conveyancer should have carried out. We felt supported throughout, especially after the cool off when most agents start moving away.

While we thought she has stuck her neck out for us, she took her support to the next level by now helping us rent our property out not only by referring us to the right Property Management agency, but also trying to source tenants. This was absolutely unconditional service and we are very thankful to her.

Her ability to relate to people's emotions and need for feeling protected/ in the right hands, makes her such an outstanding person! Her empathy and actions have instill a long term trust and relation between us. We highly recommend her and look forward to working with her in the future!

Heartfelt thank you from both us!


Kshitij Mallick -Buyer (16 Peppin St Rouse Hill)